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Meet Nancy

Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom is Alaska’s proven fighter for our way of life. At a time when our jobs, our rights, and our values are under attack from Joe Biden and Washington D.C. liberals, Nancy is running to continue her fight for Alaska in Congress.

My story is like so many Alaskans. I came up North at the age of 18 to find adventure and opportunity, and I never left. I built a career, raised a family, and entered public service to make a difference.

Alaska is a way of life – we’re tough, we embrace rugged individualism, we pride ourselves in independence. We keep to ourselves, but when others are in need we roll up our sleeves to help out strangers. That’s what it means to be an Alaskan.

I first ran for the State House because I didn’t want to be just another person sitting back and complaining about our problems. I wanted to sit up, and be a part of the solution. I kept my promises – voting to protect the permanent fund, not backing down to special interests, and never compromising my principles. Throughout my time in the legislature, I have been able to serve as the Chairman of the Joint Armed Services Committee, Co-Chairman of the Military and Veterans Committee, a Senior Advisor for Military Affairs.

After returning to the private sector, I was again pulled back into public service after witnessing the horrible effects of Senate Bill 91. I could not sit by as our state put criminals over victims and let crime run wild. A passion for public safety led me to serve as the Commissioner of Corrections for the state of Alaska, where I worked hard to prioritize victimes, stand with law enforcement, ensure criminals remain behind bars, and find compassionate solutions to the addiction crisis.

Now, I am honored to serve as the Lt. Governor for the State of Alaska where I worked tirelessly with Governor Dunleavy to protect our state, unleash our energy, and unlock Alaska’s potential.

But there is still so much work to be done. The federal government is trying to dictate and tell Alaskans how to live our lives. Joe Biden and far-left Democrats think they know how to run our state, use our resources, and restrict our freedoms..

Again, I’m not sitting back. I’m stepping up to run for the United States Congress. I’m a Republican, a principled conservative, and a public servant with a proven track record.

In Congress, I will:

  • Stand up to the Biden Administration’s Radical Anti-Energy Agenda
  • Defend the Freedoms of Alaskans from an Overreaching Government
  • Support Public Safety and Crack Down on Crime
  • Stand with our MIlitary and Bolster our National Security
  • Close Our Open Border and Stop the Flood of Criminals and Drugs into our Country

I hope to earn your vote so we can continue to live up to our state’s promise – North to the Future.

Nancy Dahlstrom

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