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ICYMI: Nancy Dahlstrom Speaks with Kodiak Daily Mirror

ANCHORAGE, AK – In case you missed it, Lieutenant Governor Nancy Dahlstrom made a campaign stop in Kodiak this week where she sat down for an interview with the Kodiak Daily Mirror. During her interview, she talked about a number of important issues facing Alaskans, her congressional campaign to unseat Mary Peltola, and why she’s endorsed by President Trump.

When asked about her run for Congress and her priorities, Lt. Governor Dahlstrom said, “I’m running to serve Alaskans and the first thing I want to work on in DC is getting our border closed. We don’t have any national security with open borders, and once we have our border closed, I strongly believe we need to revamp our immigration system. I do not understand why it can take 10 years for somebody to legally come into our country.”

She went to say, “I think our economy needs to be fixed, and inflation. I’d like to see interest rates come down on homes and we need to have incentive programs where builders are out building homes and then people can afford to buy those homes.”

When asked about President Trump, Lt. Governor Dahlstrom said, “Well, I do have an endorsement from him, which I’m happy about. I’ll tell you how I feel about him. He was fantastic for the state of Alaska. He opened things up. He was going to allow the Keystone Pipeline. All these other things that would have benefited Alaska and what I know for a fact is that every time he talked to the governor, he said, ‘What can I do for Alaska?’ I know he loves Alaska. He’s familiar with what we need. I feel confident that, should he be elected, that on day one he will unleash our resources.”

To read more about what Lt. Governor Dahstrom had to share with the Kodiak Daily Mirror, click here.