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President Donald J. Trump

Nancy Dahlstrom will be a tremendous Congresswoman for the Great People of Alaska, just as she was as your Lieutenant Governor. Nancy is a proven fighter! In Congress, she will work to Secure the Border, Create Jobs, Lower Taxes, Promote American Energy Independence, Support our Incredible Military and Police Officers, and Defend our always under siege Second Amendment. Nancy Dahlstrom is a WINNER, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement. SHE WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!

Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy
It’s my pleasure to express my support for Nancy in her congressional campaign. Nancy’s exceptional commitment and conservative values resonate with our state and we’ve achieved much for Alaska together. I’m confident Nancy will stand up against federal overreach in Congress and safeguard Alaskan values.
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson
Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom is a principled conservative who is the only candidate who has what it takes to win this critical seat for Republicans and our House majority. Her record of fighting for Alaska is unmatched – from reducing crime to unleashing American energy.
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise
I’m excited to endorse Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom for Congress. Nancy has always put Alaska first and she is the exact type of principled conservative we need in Congress. Nancy has what it takes to defeat Mary Peltola and grow our Republican Majority in 2024.
Majority Whip Tom Emmer
Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom is the right choice for Alaska and best positioned to win this seat. Nancy never backs down from a tough fight, and I know she will continue to put Alaskans first when she gets to Washington. I’m excited to work with her to flip this seat and grow our Republican majority.
House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik
Lt. Governor Nancy Dahlstrom is the type of strong America First fighter we need in Congress. I’m excited to endorse Nancy as we look to flip this critical congressional seat and maintain a Republican majority in the House. Alaskans can trust Nancy to fight for them every day in Congress and that is why she is our best chance to win this seat,
Congresswoman Harriet Hageman
Of all places, Alaska must be represented by solid conservatives and so I strongly support Nancy Dahlstrom for Congress. As Lt. Gov., she has fought to protect Alaska from Washington, DC, and in Congress she will fight to unleash Alaska’s limitless energy potential.

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